Friday, August 9, 2019

Crafter's Companion Poinsettia Perfection

Hello, Everybody!

Can you believe that we've finally made it to Friday? Not much longer to wait now until we get to see the amazing Sara Davies and her phenomenal products on HSN! Woo-hoo! I don't know about y'all, but I am SO excited to see all of the brand new goodies live on air!

Speaking of being live...I had planned to save this Sneak Peek until a little closer to air time, but after watching the crazy talented Craig Laird preview the Poinsettia Perfection Collection (HSN Item # 672-485) yesterday, I simply couldn't wait a moment longer!

Now...I really struggled with how I wanted to introduce this sample. Should I mention how long I've begged for a collection JUST like this? Should I remind you all of the Great Disappointment Christmas Card Batch from last year that I simply *could not* make myself love because I wanted a beautiful, ornate, Crafter's Companion Victorian Lantern to use instead of the more rustic, non CC lantern I had to settle for? Should I tell you how absolutely honored I am to have been chosen to provide a sample for this collection? Ultimately, it comes down to this: This is the Christmas Collection of my dreams. And I thank Crafter's Companion with all my heart for making those dreams a reality.

💜 Leslie
CCDT Member

Materials Used:

CC NG Poinsettia Perfection: Grande Poinsettia, Victorian Lantern, Paper Pad
CC Construction Cardstock
CC Watercolour Cardstock
CC Kraft Card
CC SS Rustic Wedding, Jute Twine
CC Glitter Embossing Powder
SN Harmony Quick Dry: Pine Tree, Bordeaux, Friar Brown
SN Harmony Pigment: Jet Black
SN Metallic Markers: Silver Ingot, Pewter
SN Metallic Wax, Inca Gold

Other: brads, eyelets
Card Size: 7 inch square

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